Product Spotlight: AI-Powered Audit Logs

Product Spotlight: AI-Powered Audit Logs

Transparency unlocks AI in fintech

At Parcha, we understand the challenges that traditional machine learning models pose for fintech compliance. Today, we're excited to explain one of our foundational capabilities: AI-Powered Audit Logs. Audit Logs underpin every interaction between Parcha and end users: addressing the longstanding issue of AI’s transparency as it relates to the tightly regulated fintech space.

The Challenge

The Problem with Traditional ML Models in Fintech

For years, the financial industry has grappled with a significant hurdle in adopting AI and machine learning: the "black box" problem. Traditional Machine Learning (ML) models, while powerful, often operate as opaque systems. They make decisions without providing clear insights into their reasoning process. This lack of transparency and explainability has made these models a poor fit for the highly regulated world of financial compliance.

Regulators require clear audit trails and explainable decision-making processes. Traditional ML models fall short in this regard, leaving financial institutions caught between the promise of AI efficiency and the demands of regulatory compliance. Parcha’s approach is different, and delivers on the promise of human-in-the-loop workflows for the financial industry.

Parcha’s Solution

Step-by-Step Transparency

Our AI-Powered Audit Logs  break open the black box of AI decision-making. Unlike traditional ML models, Parcha's AI shows you its decision-making process step by step. Here's how it works:

  1. Real-time Decision Pathways: Parcha keeps analysts informed as it works, providing a step-by-step explanation of the actions and steps being taken.
  2. Intuitive Explanations: Parcha translates complex AI processes using easy-to-understand verbiage so every team member can grok the how and why behind a decision. Customers can fine-tune the explainability levels to suit their regulatory requirements, or internal communication norms.
  3. Detailed Audit Trails: Parcha automatically generates comprehensive audit logs when needed. Every action and source is timestamped and linked in an easy-to-access format when needed.
  4. Relevance Decisioning: Only the most relevant and authoritative online sources and records are included in Parcha’s decision outputs. For example, when your analysts go to verify Parcha’s adverse media screening results, they read a single news article from a vetted source instead of every news hit related to any entity with a similar name.

Parcha's AI-Powered Audit Log

AI-Powered Audit Logs are central to Parcha’s offering. They provide the transparency and explainability that traditional ML models lack, making Parcha an ideal fit for the regulatory demands of the fintech industry.

Real-World Impact

Imagine being able to show regulators exactly how you arrived at a particular decision, or having the ability to quickly identify and correct any biases in your AI's reasoning. Parcha's AI-Powered Audit Logs make it happen.

Whether you're dealing with credit decisions, fraud detection, or risk assessment, our system ensures that every AI-driven process is as transparent as it is efficient. This level of clarity not only satisfies regulatory requirements but also builds trust with customers and stakeholders.

Ready to bring transparency to your AI operations? Contact our team at to see how AI-Powered Audit Logs can transform your approach to fintech compliance.

At Parcha, we're not just solving today's compliance challenges – we're paving the way for a future where AI and regulatory compliance work in perfect harmony.